Copy File

Object to copy files


To use this object, simply select its parameters.

General Object Layout

Filling in the object:



It's the object name and doesn't need to be changed, unless you want to identify it to make it easier to find on the robot, for example: "Copy File - Company Files".

Object Identifier Name

It's an object unique identifier and doesn't need to be changed, but you can rename it if you want to find it more easily when using it on other objects. Just remember that this name must be unique and without spaces or special characters.


File that will be copied.

Target Directory

Location where the new file will be saved.

File Name

New copied file name


Option to overwrite the file if there is already one with the same name in the target directory.

To avoid incorrect copying, it's essential to include the file extension in the new name, otherwise the file will be copied without its extension, as demonstrated in the example below.


  • Use to copy desired file.

  • If it is necessary to copy files with data extracted in the automation.

  • Ensure that the data was saved correctly.

  • You may want to save files in a new directory with a new name for better control.


To copy a desired file in the same directory with another name.

Example Robot Configuration - Copy File

STEP 1: To set Copy File object.

Copy File setting

STEP 2: Run the robot and check the actions.

Successful Execution Robot Example - Copy File

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