Example of an image captcha.
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Example of an image captcha.
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This object depends on the "Open Browser" object to work.
Object title
Select Browser Bbject
Option to select a browser opened with the "Open Browser" object
Select captcha type as v1
Select Image Object
Selects the identifier name of the image element (Only for image captchas)
Field Identifier Name
Selects the element identifier name in which to type the solution (Image captchas only)
Object Identifier Name
Unique name for this object (variable)
Captcha resolution timeout
Synchronous execution?
Defines whether the execution should wait for the resolution or timeout before continuing
Stop execution if something goes wrong while searching for the element
This operation pauses robot execution if an error occurs while the element is being searched
To solve an image captcha, a few steps must be followed:
1 - Select the "Open Browser" object from the "Internet" menu and drag it to your working area.
First define a unique name for the object in the "Object Identifier Name" field, select a browser and enter the website to be accessed in the "Web Page Address" field
As per the image above, we will use the Sintegra SC website for this tutorial:
2 - On this site, before requesting the captcha solution, it is necessary to fill in some information (CNPJ/CPF or State Registration/Producer). To do this, we will use the "Search Elements" object, which is also available in the "Internet" menu.
First the main object should be informed, in this case, the browser opened with the "Open Browser" object. Then we must inform the xpath of the field CNPJ/CPF or State Registration/Producer. (See how to search the xpath of elements manually, by clicking HERE)
Next we have to search for the element to inform the xpath of the image:
Next we must search the element to inform the xpath of the field to which the solution is to be informed:
CWith the necessary information, we will use the "Solve Captcha" object:
To finish this operation we must search for the "search" button:
3 - The working area will look like this: