Remove Element Attribute

Object that allows you to make a change to an attribute of a web element




Object Title

Select Main Object

Option to select the identifier of the "Search for Elements" object

Attribute Name

Name of the attribute that will be removed


Index of the attribute if it is a list of elements


To use the object you need to follow the steps below:

1 - Select the "Open Browser" object from the "Internet" menu and drag it to your working area.

First you must define a unique name for the object in the "Object Identifier Name" field, select a browser and enter the website to be accessed in the "Web Page Address" field:

As shown above, in this tutorial we used the Google's homepage:

2. Next we also need to include the "Search for Elements" object, which should contain the identifier of the object that opened the browser and the Xpath of the element you want to remove.

3. Finally we add the "Remove Element Attribute" object to the working area:

We select the identifier of the "Search for Elements", then we pass the name of the attribute we are removing. The index parameter will only need to be changed if the "Search for Elements" returns a list.

4. The working area should look like this:

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